This is a woman who used to have a white Ford Fiesta with magnetic cow spots on it and a license plate that read "NOT NRML," and who now can be seen riding around on a non-motorized scooter with oversized tires or jogging in shoes that she made ice-proof by attaching tacks to their soles. This is not someone who has the slightest concern about what she looks like, or what other people think about her; in fact, I think it's safe to say that that's what we all love most about Suzanne, is her flagrant rejection of social norms.
So for her to say that she wouldn't ever ride a Segway because she'd look silly--well, it's enough to prompt one to ask who this pod person was, and what it had done with one's real sister-in-law.
At the very least, it prompted me to spend a ridiculous amount of time on Christmas Eve day searching Google images for the perfect picture to Photoshop Suzanne's head onto. Once I'd found this one, the trick was to find a picture of Suzanne's head from just the right angle, since the original shot was kind of oblique. Success: a photo of Suzanne getting ready to ride the zip line at Snow Mountain Ranch in Colorado from a family reunion a couple of years ago. Oh yeah!
Some people spend the day before Christmas baking; some bring in fresh greens to decorate the mantel or put the final touches on those homemade gifts. If the Segway is, indeed, the 21st-century equivalent of the propeller beanie, then perhaps Photoshopping fake pictures is the 21st-century equivalent of those more homely holiday preparations. We'll see if Suzanne agrees when she opens up the matted, framed print of "Suzanne, the Segway Siren" later today.